Siteimprove Decisions

Siteimprove Decision Types

There are two types of decisions that can be made in the Siteimprove Accessibility Monitoring tool.

    1. Decisions on Specific Occurrences
    2. Issue-level Decisions

      Decisions on Specific Occurrences

        Decisions on specific occurences often are on images.  To apply a decision on an occurrence:

        • In the Siteimprove tool select an issue
        • Select a page that has the issue

        There are two ways to make decisions for an issue.  For every different occurrences of an issue throughout the website or for a single occurrence. Be very sure of what you are approving before using the decision button at the top of the Siteimprove left-pane as it makes the decision for all issues of this time.  For instance, if you have 7 images in your website "Is the image free of text" will be identified by Siteimprove for review for all 7 images.  If you use the top Decision for this issue button it will approve all 7 images.

        Use the bottom Decision Button for just this occurrence instead.

        • See example to the right

        Issue-level Decisions (Can't Fix Decisions)

          Can't Fix Decisions can be made on an entire site basis.  You will follow the How To procedure below to 'approve' each of the WAI-ARIA roles shown below which will remove it from the review process and this will raise the accessibility score for your website.  EITS Web Staff have reviewed the WAI-ARIA ROLES and they are appropriate and accurate. These roles appear on every page in every Ektron website.

            How to apply a Issue Level Decision (Can't Fix Decision):

            • Login to the Siteimprove Monitoring Tool
            • Choose your site in the site drop-down menu
            • Siteimprove Site Drop-Down menu
            • Choose the Accessibility option on the left navigation
            • Choose the Quality Assurance option on the left navigation
            • Click on Accessibility Overview
            • Choose Accessibility Overview
            • Take note of the Overall Accessibility score shown. This is what we want to improve.
            • Overall Accessibility Score and Progress Chart
            • Click on Issues
            • Select Issues from the left navigation
            • Identify a WAI-ARIA or review item:
            • Click on the Decision icon at the end of the issue line
            • Enter APPROVED: and a description of why you are approving this item. This will allow management to recognize approval items versus issues that can't be fixed for your website.
            • Click the SAVE CHANGES button

            Have a Question?

            Siteimprove Decisions

            In the occurrences on this page decision section, you can choose to make a decision for each occurrence of an manual review item after review to remove it from being displayed as an item requiring further review.

              Decisions on Specific Occurrence Example

              • Decisions on Specific Occurrence Example - displays both the decision button to use and the one NOT to useSiteimprove Decisions on Specific Occurrence Example