Website Content Accessibility Training


In our commitment to fostering inclusivity among all State of Nevada content consumers and ensuring ongoing compliance, the Office of the Chief Information Officer's (OCIO) Web team offers comprehensive online content remediation training. This valuable training resource is accessible to all agencies, irrespective of whether they utilize the State CMS or not.

Automated vs. Manual Testing for Accessibility

Ensuring both website content and documents are accessible is crucial for providing an inclusive experience for all users, including those with disabilities. Accessibility standards, such as the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) in the United States, require digital content to be accessible to individuals with disabilities.

Here's a breakdown of the two types of evaluations for accessibility:

Automated Testing

  • Automated testing involves using software tools that scan web pages or documents for accessibility issues. These tools can quickly identify common accessibility problems, such as missing alternative text for images, improper heading structure, lack of sufficient color contrast, and more.
  • While automated testing is efficient for detecting many accessibility issues, it's important to note that these tools may not catch all accessibility issues. Some issues require human judgment and understanding of context to properly evaluate.

Manual Testing

  • Manual testing involves a human reviewer inspecting the content directly to identify accessibility barriers that automated tools may miss. This process typically involves using assistive technologies, such as screen readers, to experience the content from the perspective of users with disabilities.
  • Manual testing allows for a deeper understanding of the user experience and can uncover nuanced accessibility issues that automated tools might overlook.
  • Manual testing also involves verifying that the content meets accessibility standards and guidelines, such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).
  • In addition, there are other accessibility barriers automated testing can't identify. For that reason, it is equally important to manually test content and functionality of site components and forms. The Website Content Accessibility Training Resources page contains a Web Content Manual Review Checklist.

Both automated and manual testing play crucial roles in ensuring accessibility. Automated testing provides a quick way to identify common issues and can be integrated into the development process for ongoing checks. Manual testing provides a more comprehensive evaluation, especially for complex interactions and content that requires human judgment.

By combining both automated and manual testing methods, organizations can ensure that their digital content meets accessibility standards and is inclusive to all users. 

Accessibility and Readability

The guidelines below are excellent practices for improving the readability and accessibility of online content. Simplifying and optimizing content for easy comprehension is key, especially considering the potential challenges users may face when reading online. Here's a breakdown of each point:

  • Prioritize important information by placing it at the top of the page.
  • Use heading levels to break content into scan able sections.
  • Break content down into paragraphs, each focusing on a single idea, enhances clarity and helps readers absorb information more efficiently.
  • Starting with the conclusion or main point provides immediate context, allowing readers to decide if they want to delve deeper.
  • Bulleted lists are easier for people to scan, making it easier to identify key points and creates a visual break, reducing the perceived complexity of the content.
  • Short paragraphs, sentences, and words contribute to a more comfortable reading experience. Concise writing aids comprehension and reduces eye strain.
  • Providing definitions for organization-specific or industry-specific terms promotes inclusivity and helps users understand specialized terminology.
  • Writing at a 7th to 8th grade reading level enhances accessibility. Complex text can be challenging for various audiences, including those with cognitive impairments.
  • Using simple and common words enhances readability. Avoiding complex or uncommon terms ensures broader comprehension.

These practices align with principles of plain language and readability, which are crucial for creating content that is accessible to a diverse audience. It's important to prioritize user experience and ensure that information is presented in a way that is easily digestible for all readers. Regular testing, user feedback, and iterative improvements can help fine-tune content for optimal accessibility and understanding.

Scheduling Training

Our training sessions are conducted remotely, providing convenience for participants, and can be tailored for individuals or groups. To schedule training for your agency, please click the button below to fill out the ADA Training Request Form or email We look forward to supporting your efforts in creating accessible and inclusive digital content.

Website Content Accessibility Training Resources