Siteimprove Potential Issues & Issues

Explore the Impact and Benefits of ADA accessibility

HTML Content Remediation

It is equally important to review website content for accessibility as it is to make sure documents are ADA compliant. There are two types of evaluations: 1) Automated testing and 2) manual testing.

    A Note About Automated Testing

    Automated testing is very important, however, keep in mind that automated testing alone will not make your website ADA compliant. For example, an automated tool can identify that alternative text exists for an image but cannot determine if the alternative text is appropriate. These items will be identified by Siteimprove under the Potential Issues Section.

    You will answer simple questions to determine if the item is an issue or not. If it is not an issue, it will be removed from the Potential Issues section and will increase the Site Score.  If it is an issue, it will be moved from the Potential Issues section to the Issues section.

    In addition, there are other accessibility barriers automated testing can't identify. For that reason, it is equally important to manually test content and functionality of site components and forms.

      Read Webpages Aloud

        Have you ever wanted to listen to a webpage like you can a pdf?  You can do this by downloading a Google Chrome extension that allows text to speech.  There are many extensions that may provide this feature.  You can search the Google Chrome Web Store or choose the direct link to the Read Aloud: A Text to Speech Voice Reader extension provided below.  Please be aware these text to speech readers will provide a quick look to see if a page has a reading order issue.

        NEXT GENERATION - Review of Potential Issues (Common Issues)

        Before proceeding to the Issues section in Siteimprove, make decisions on all the Potential Issues first.  As you answer the questions Siteimprove will indicate if the potential issue is an issue or not.  If Siteimprove indicates the potential issue is NOT an issue, your site's score will improve and the item will be moved to the Resolved Issues section. If Siteimprove indicates that the potential issue IS a problem, the site's score will decrease and the item will be moved into the ISSUES section.

        NEXT GENERATION - Review Issues

        Do you like a challenge?

        Have you ever wondered how a blind person experiences a website? What barriers to surfing the web might you encounter if you were unable to use a mouse? How about if you are color-blind, would that affect your surfing experience?

        Manual Testing & Alt Text


        Alternative Text - WebAIM

        Alt Text Ektron Smart forms

          Audio/Video Remediation

          Audio/Video/YouTube Remediation



          Transcripts Video

            Siteimprove Google Chrome Browser Tool for Acessibility

            The Siteimprove Google Chrome Extension tool has not been updated to Next Generation standards.  Please discontinue its use until it has been updated.

            NOTE: The free Siteimprove tool only allows a user to test one page at a time (in staging before sending a page into production) where a signed SLA provides you with a tool that checks all the pages in your website and also PDF documents smaller than 15 mb.

                Other Remediation Guides

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